4.2.2023 | Denton City Council Candidate Profile Happy Palm Sunday y'all! Voter registration deadline is Thursday, early voting begins 4/24, so I wanted to give anyone interested a chance to see my responses to the Candidate Profile Denton Record Chronicle asked us to complete, which asks us to distinguish ourselves as the best choice for our city. Challenge accepted! (commentary continued after) CANDIDATE PROFILE RACE: District 3, City Council, City of Denton NAME: Stephen Paul Dillenberg AGE: 36 (09/05/1986) BIRTHPLACE: Fort Worth (Harris Methodist)
EDUCATION (university, year graduated, degree): UNT :2011 : Bachelor of Science- Biology, Double Minor Chemistry and Spanish (focus in conservation biology and environmental law, presented undergrad research at national conference for the Ecological Society of America (ESA) in 2011). PROFESSIONAL EXPERIENCE: 4 years Secondary Spanish and Science (Chem/Bio) Teacher / High School Golf Coach while pursuing professional golf during the summers. Began real estate and took the LSAT in 2015, opened construction company in 2017, completed 100 jobs in first 365 days. (References available) WEBSITE: My foci are in-person outreach and and official action, though I have a Business and personal Facebook, and more recently a Blog I’m working on transferring away from google affiliated platforms due to interference observed personally in civil discourse, it’s just the easiest for the time being, and I’m not “sponsored” like my fellow candidates are.🤷🏻‍♂️🙅🏻‍♂️Censorship is happening, systematically, purportedly by an alleged law that defies the supreme law, which I can prove (and plan to shortly), and considering DARPA abandoned a military-grade long-term tracking project / data collection mission called “LifeLog" the same day Facebook was launched in 2004, it’s not much of a leap to understand the how and why post 9/11 government surveillance evolved into guiding people away from certain content; or was always meant for it, but, either way, we're there. Adding in the Cambridge Analytica “strategy,” which Facebook recently settled out liability for, to the tune of $725 million dollars indicating it was particularly harmful (though the victims didn’t receive that money), so where I understand the desire to promote ones’ own interests, the Constitution says (and I agree) that incentive cannot be allowed to elevate public servants to a level of privilege which means they are completely out of touch with the electorate, and cause us harm as a result. To circumvent censorship I ultimately was forced to create 4 separate Facebook profiles, each time as a response to being banned for posting truthful content they just didn’t like, even where not a violation of community guidelines (i.e. unless calling someone a "silly-goose" after winning an argument relative to proving God exists is a violation, and thanking someone for “the opportunity to clarify” is being a sore winner. Lol. Guilty as charged on that one.). Similarly, Next-door took my accounts down twice during last election cycle and won’t give me the data, and they even had my home address blocked from creating a new account until sometime in March of this year, though they still won’t let me link it to my business page meaning I don't have the ability to link personal contribution to business generation in an organic way. Tiktok removed my account / data after a video got 33K views in 12 hours January of ‘22, put it back up a few days later but the views never increased, then eventually banned it a few weeks later after another video had similar success, and likewise still won’t give me that data (Somewhere_In_TX), nor that of a second account (Somewhere_N_TX), and though I’m still “allowed” to be there (Somewhere_in_TX23), all of my accounts across all Social Media (which is all DARPA / In-Q-Tel developed) are all but certainly shadow banned, which I have evidence suggesting as well, so that means I’ve mostly focused official resolution and offline outreach.com (Sorry, I know that url is long 😂) Question 1: What do you feel are the most pressing issues for District 3 and how do you plan to address them over the next two years? I think the city needs to begin filing suits against federal, state, regional and local bodies, on behalf of our people, both public and private, where injuries have been sustained. This is the problem with delegating all of our “standing” to a body controlled by attorneys, who then refuse to use that standing for us. When asked how council could defy the Constitution so boldly, a present counselor stated “As I understand it, we can do whatever we want.” So, why don’t they want to sue for us when we’ve suffered injuries? We should sue for peace to avoid civil war. Specifically, the mayor of any home-rule city has that exclusive standing per statute, even though in our case he is not the executive branch, he is the chairman of the legislative board (Unless we’re under a state of emergency, then his authority is expanded). Personally, I wouldn't have consented to give that to them with the understanding they would refuse to use it, while watching us suffer on account of that negation; it’s either their duty or our right. But it can’t be neither. I had someone ask mockingly, what could Denton do against the CDC? We can sue them for malfeasance, which should have happened years ago. Question 2: If elected, what is your top priority for this term? Publicly and openly getting to the bottom of the problems that have entered into our system of laws. Ultimately, by having these discussions, a restoration of balance and separation follow. “Because of iniquity, the love of many will grow cold,” and that lawlessness is only possible among people who value law and order due to loopholes; of, by and for exploitation by lawmakers. For example, Article 1 Section 4 says officials must acknowledge the existence of a supreme being. Supreme Being meant God in whatever form one interacts with God (per 1876 dictionaries), and where no man has the right to determine that for another, it makes sense that no one should serve in government if they are their own God, simply because there has to be a sense of duty to a higher authority than oneself in order to prevent abuses. Yet, a SCOTUS challenge from a different state said that is a religious test and effectively amended our Constitution without even telling us? There are several Constitutional challenges that should be made, and while I would enlist the help of attorneys, another one would outline why they shouldn’t be serving in non-judicial roles in government unless we trust absolute power in the judiciary. Question 3: How do you plan to reach consensus with other council members to address this priority? I’ll ask them if they support the Constitution. Do they believe in the Supreme law, or have they not yet considered the full impact of swearing an oath to their people and to God to uphold a document, then betraying that document on its face. The council is obviously subject to the Supreme Laws, of Texas, and the US, and individuals need to remember that. If they don’t, recall is available, though it needs to be quicker, and more comprehensive. I do not support taking any power from an already disenfranchised people by switching to a 6-1 council, from 4-2-1, and if anything, I believe a discussion as to whether we want a mayor with only ceremonious authority and no accountability. These issues do reach much further than Denton, but to ignore the most critical issues causing harm to individuals within our city by claiming those are not local issues? That’s nonsense. We must sue, and we must initiate suits immediately. Elected or not, I still intend to push forward the understanding of why we need to, along with leading the charge in challenging the ways our laws are not serving us, especially among our young people. Question 4: Why do you feel you are the best candidate to represent District 3? WRT Fairness, decency, liberty, security, and what follows, there is only one candidate for district 3 who hasn’t claimed they don’t have to answer for criminal or malicious actions they willfully engaged in, even calling their duty to defend us “mythical” when sued for said behavior, which harmed their constituent. I would uphold my oath and seek to abolish tolerance of public servants even implying they “can do whatever they want.” Specifically, Davis is a DA who accused Meltzer of crimes (published by DRC 3/2022 surrounding non-compliance with government code during redistricting. That highlights the problem even more. If true (which it was), Meltzer, Beck, Byrd, Maguire should answer. Importantly, why is a D.A. on council, wielding judicial influence legislatively? A man cannot serve two masters, whether or not God exists, and Davis cannot uphold duties to intentionally separated branches with conflicting interests. Meltzer has an NYC cell phone number(646), and got his own address wrong when running for mayor last election. He accused Hudspeth of out of state funding, though true, but, didn’t mention his own. There is something better promised to us than loop-holia provides, and there is only one choice for anyone who wants it: Dillenberg for District 3. (Continued commentary) It took a bit more editing time than I'm proud to admit, so I'm def putting mine up here, and on the blogs (bub23.blogspot.com), in addition to returning it to DRC last Wednesday. Unfortunately, it is not yet published on their website, nor will they let me self-publish in the manner one of my colleagues recently did in a guest column, because they "don't do that anymore," while his article remains up, and in the election cycle makes sense that it's currently trending as "popular." But not me, and not this profile, because “the editor decided to wait," and that's tooootally reasonable! I guess.. right? No worries at all that the voter registration deadline is this coming Wednesday? No worries they solicited my “last-minute” participation by apologizing "for the short notice” on Monday last week, and for "mistakes" they made in previous coverage relative to my campaign, and claimed they were to publish these profiles "later this week," through which they would correct their mistakes? Wait, is this week's Sunday, before the end of last week? Color me a confused Southerner, I guess, but something aint quite right about that calendar 😆 Perhaps it's just another innocent mistake that would likely not even have been mentioned if they'd been courteous enough to let someone know they changed their mind unilaterally, prior to last night when they had to be asked directly? "Perhaps. We will never know." (Spoken in the voice of Lafitte, the French guy in "The Patriot" with Mel Gibson) (Commentary concludes after profile) This profile was solicited last week by the DRC with a deadline of “to be published” by the end of the week, meaning I took time to do it instead of other campaign activities, so as not to be excluded from the District 3 campaign coverage; as happened in their most recent article published about District 3's part of election, on 3/16/23. It’s especially relevant because upon confronting a certain individual who will not be named, as yet, this was part of where some pretty egregious “mistakes” previously stated about me are to be corrected. Such as, implying I'm irresponsible or wishy-washy because I hadn't filed the application immediately once I could, although I filed financial statements and intent last October, then gave an excuse, "that's the information that was available to me at the time," although the financial disclosure was public record, on the same site where the application was eventually filed. Weird oversight for an election journalist, and the editor, right? Is that fair? Is it a good idea to exclude 1 candidate by preferentially including the other two in exclusive stories? Is it fair they won’t let me self-publish on their site, though Meltzer did last August, Davis has as well, and though they stated in December they will still accept and request information from political candidates, I guess that's just apparently not in advance of statutory registration deadlines. They did publish a guest column March 12th from a non-political candidate, though, so maybe it's just me. Is that fair or good faith if they're not advertising it? Prior to this piece, I didn’t yet mention the ways I was misrepresented when they did cover my participation initially, that I was misquoted and quoted extremely out of context, and they “mistakenly” forgot to include the nature of my political activism / involvement, and my current profession(s) in one article while including in the previous article. It’s getting to the point where I don’t think this is fair to Denton nor myself, and that is likely rising to a level that precipitates formal reconciliation beyond a blog or Facebook post if not handled appropriately, post haste. You know what they say, though, “the bigger the fraud, the bigger the libel.” (I'm sure there's plenty of slander happening too.) Oh well, I guess, I tried to be "nice" but they're not seeming to respond well to that. Put it on their tab or something else? 🕵️‍♂️ #ace #ventura #keepgoing #keepmovingforward #keepscore


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