With a Bang!! - Texas Legislature ends the "bill introduction" phase of the 88th session in true Attorney fashion!

The Texas Legislature's 88th Regular session passed its first major milestone Wednesday: the final day to introduce any new bill to the session (Wednesday, 3/8/2023), which is 60 days after the session opens, by rule. Much like many other nuances and procedures, until recently I kept folded and undisturbed “as a napkin in my pocket,” necessity formally made our acquaintance once that “dead”-line affected my ability to make “a living.” To say our laws are walking the streets in a way that leaves much to be desired on average now, is almost insulting to the trauma we all endured that prove as much is true, so for that part, I’m sorry in advance. But, owing to the overall nature of things as we observe them in our world today, for me personally that fact along with many many others occupied a semi-permanent storage in my “Miss me with that” file. Don’t get me wrong, I like to play games and sports, and IFL science, I just didn’t consider that including the political variety, until I realized that my complacency had created an ignorance that I hadn’t willed for myself, and it began to take away my joy. Once a fact becomes so important to us, necessity usually introduces courage, as well it aught to when it does not, and for these reasons, I am here seeking an audience for the lessons of a road lesser travelled.

What does Betrayal of a promise look like?; 88th Session; Top 11 1.) Instead of 75, we decided unilaterally among those of “we” sitting on a cushion, that it's actually 150 years that formerly “confidential” records will stay that way; private, top secret, or "classified" as “above (y)our paygrade” now, unlike it's literally "always" been, though there is no justification for concealment except *consciousness of guilt* -- SHAME! SHAME! "Sorry that was unclear since before any of us were born, but we decided y'all don't want transparency at all, and we need to keep some secrets." (HB1652)

1A.) AG is mandated to create a mugshot database for all arrests, irrespective of the case's disposition, or if wrongdoing is alleged of Law enforcement. (HB30) Oh, great! Legalized Extortion! Just what we needed!

2.) If you're LGBTQIA+, you're disabled now, and though they're saying this is to "protect" a disadvantaged class, it's "for your own good," lol, it also means the state wants to protect itself *from* you, and the state will make your decisions for you if you're not acting "right." (HB3918) - Oh yeah, and you're "necessarily" economically disadvantaged too, so you have to be heavily scrutinized. (HB2182) -- Just look at the bill revisions,"Gay, Trans," etc. are added right next to "black, native American, etc.," what do you think they're really up to by placing you among the communities that are historically disenfranchised by their "laws,” only to allow themselves “authority” to make America the largest open-air prison in the history of mankind, once we stop to think about it? We can't leave without their permission. We must work, 1) because everything is monetized, and 2) because if not, they say "he's not producing," and try to attack our mental acumen or stability. Even if they just stole everything you had "under color of law" and are trying to deny you a trial," which is actually a crime, but you would have to prove the "good ol' boy" club did that, to the good ol' boy club, and among the 40+ year olds, "by God, I cayn't even imagine Greg Abbott would ever allow somethin' like that." #suspiciouslyspecific #wheelchairtippin'

How does a Texan respond to his Honduran friend, after he was deported, calling on WhatsApp and saying, “Yeah, I’m good. And I’m probably going to stay a while. Because it’s not obligatory to work every day here, as it is in the United States.” What does that mean? They don’t have to pay for their “rights” like we do? Even though we’re the only country with an armed populous, and therein the largest standing army in the history of mankind? 3.) Gambling is coming to every gas station near you. (HJR 84, HJR102) - I get the revenue piece, but, we need to get the addiction piece managed before we start looking at giving people easy access to heightened risk that *always* favors the "house." Y'all wonder why bubba and co. aren't winning the lotto anymore and acting dumb on the news? Watch a drawing live, and tell me "there ain't no way they'd be cheating at the lotto, brother." If not, that's sure a sstrange way to be filming.

4.) Free speech is only "authorized" if performed by an "authorized" agency. Otherwise, you could run into problems. (HB 3357 "not a defense that it's unconstituttional" - HB976, text included here, bc it's so egregious; what's in brackets [ ] is to be removed, the other is added. SMH) BE IT ENACTED BY THE LEGISLATURE OF THE STATE OF TEXAS: SECTION 1. Section 43.24(c), Penal Code, is amended to read as follows: (c) It is an affirmative defense to prosecution under this section that the sale, distribution, or exhibition was by a person having a bona fide judicial, law enforcement, or legislative [scientific, educational, governmental, or other similar] justification. SECTION 2. Section 43.25(f), Penal Code, is amended to read as follows: (f) It is an affirmative defense to a prosecution under this section that: (1) the defendant was the spouse of the child at the time of the offense; (2) the conduct was for a bona fide [educational, medical, psychological, psychiatric,] judicial, law enforcement, or legislative purpose; or (3) the defendant is not more than two years older than the child. -- you read that right, Scientific, governmental, or other similar justificiations are no longer acceptable, just "judicial, law enforcement or legislative. And it is a crime, even if for a "medicinal, psychological or psychiatric" purpose, b/c those are out, too. SMH!

5.) Lobbyists can't be called lobbyists if they're state employees, and the state is allowed to employ lobbyists, rather, people who do what lobbyists do, just aren't called lobbyists. (HB163)

6.) The legislature, all attorneys, and all government gets access to "negotiated rates" between insurance companies and healthcare professionals, but civilians do not. (HB605)

7.) Fundamental rights of parents are declared by the state, and the state doesn't need any parents getting all "uppety" on them or trying to otherwise mettle in "their" business. Stay in your lane, MOM! (HJR 85)

8.) Must have an election to divert funds from city or county offices, so no more of that "defund the police" riff-raff. (HB1668) I guess no more local self-government, either.

9) Bluetooth transponders in all school hallways attached to "bleeding" prevention devices, to quickly alert "authorities." No worries what else they might be monitoring. (HB1147) (look into Blueborne)

10.) Court clerks are now allowed to be armed in the courthouse. Just in case any of us "criminals" start goin on about our rights. They don't wanna hear it, and they'll shoot to kill. (SB599)

11.) All of this tyranny is no big deal, cuz they're adding "God Bless Texas!" to the end of the STATE pledge of allegiance! (HB 3723) "Praise Be!"

BONUS ROUND: What year did law enforcement give itself the "right" to regulate all traffic by imposing a fee, thus restricting every man, woman and alien's inalienable right to travel freely? Thus, before this year, only trucks "legally" could be required to be registered, and police couldn't just harrass everyday Texans who were travelling along the highways? Answer: 1995. I was 9, so I didn't consent, and I still don't, and I'm guessing most people alive at that time wouldn't have, either. Look into the Transportation Code, Chapter 541. When did it take effect? What did it change in your life? Hint: Before - The Andy Griffith Show; After - COPS!

What does Texas look like? Disclaimer: The following contains free legal advice, and it is true, to the best of my knowledge and ability to give hope to anyone, and I do so without fear of reprisal nor stepping on the big toe of any know-it-all, who doesn’t know much-at-all, or otherwise big-mouthed non-Texan. First, unless you know why it's illegal for someone to be charged a fee (much less charged with a crime) for exercising a basic / fundamental / universal right, to the point you’re comfortable teaching it to someone else, don't try standing up to cops and their ::Cartman voice:: Authoritah! Don't get yourself arrested, or worse, for talking stupid to law enforcement who most likely don't agree with this either. What is their side? Can we see how they might resent us for leaving them hanging? If they stand up against corruption, the people in charge of the thin blue line usually bury them, "with honors," so all things considered, what is it likely they will they say to anyone not in the club, who is full of ignorance and self-indulgence? Especially don’t go into any court of unknown jurisdiction telling a judge about the fringe on their flag, especially not if the clerk is allowed to carry a gun beyond September, nor making a claim that you’re alive and not dead affects the way you are supposed to be treated, because they know. And you even being there in a competent sense is an assault on their status as ‘holier than thou” relative to 95% of us. Just wait a little longer, until we fix the law, to exercise your rights, but, feel free to be indignant about not being able to, until then. I would simply advise you to channel that righteous indignation into something positive, like telling your friends and family "now is the time we fix this forever, because we are ready. They killed public trust with what they tried during Covid and the only reason it didn't work here is the Second Amendment, which they're now trying to take, too, for that very reason. But, if we stand together, if we get off our asses for one year, not even, for one session of the legislature, which amounts to only a few weeks at this point, we win. We get all that we were promised by people who put our tomorrow over their yesterday.” There are those who think we won’t, principally because they've traumatized us so badly that we don't look at each other the same anymore, but, I don't think that's true once we have the correct information. I think we'll realize why we haven't loved our neighbor as ourselves, and that it wasn’t because we don’t love one another, it was caused by a cult pitting us against one another. Once more, and for all, we'll decide, "ENOUGH IS ENOUGH." In one voice. With one goal. With God and time and all of the blood of the "good" people throughout history on our side. With love in our hearts. We will not fail."

Personally, I didn't take heed to my advice, mainly because I didn't have someone like me to give it earnestly, and without everyone understanding why the things our "leadership" have done is objectively wrong, it's not surprising I learned the hard way what it's like to become an "Enemy of the State." And while the decision to allow that possibility is not one I made lightly, if the STATE was an enemy to freedom, and to our Constitution, and our flag, I wasn't willing to say "that's cool. All the cool kids are doing it."

And in this pure, unadulterated, blood-pressure meds inducing optimism, where there is nothing for anyone to pay except attention, because it was already paid for us, I humbly and simply pray you Will. I beg it of you, in fact. That the tears on my keyboard will not have been shed in vain; that you might see your brother and friend in a way that could have just as easily befallen you, and you decide the mutual benefit in our opportunity far outweighs the training we all have claiming “You can’t fight city hall.” Well, I did, and I learned exactly how and why our boogie man is not in D.C., and he’s not even in Austin, when local officials have standing to file class actions and mass-torts for damages, and they swore to God and us that they would, if need arose, then didn’t. With that knowledge, “We can” fight city hall, and we should. Though 1 man cannot necessarily change things, we can each play a part in chipping away at the brokenness, and with our voices combined, we could bring the wheels of injustice and iniquity to a grinding halt. I ask you to simply acknowledge the wide road and the narrow, and why for our community, for the friends I lost who always seemed to fill the "good die young" folder, and due to what I think we can prove are extenuating circumstances, I’d just ask you to see why I took the narrow path. It is with hope, in you, that I go on fighting, and I continue, for us. It is for my mother, and my father, and for my brothers and my sisters. For the children I would not get to raise were the choice left to the powers that be, I will be your voice in the darkness if you allow me the honor. We have actual hope, now, to fix things, for good, if we choose to. And in that optimism, in that glance over the fence toward security and not its mortal foe, that is the hallowed ground on which we should aspire to dictate any measure of policy or reform to our posterity. I must know that if you see my brother crying, or crumpled over on the side of the road in a pile of himself, if you're there first, you're the one we will praise for having saved him. Not the one to blame for having filmed his death. We must not turn the other cheek while he dies, and we must show those who would that we would not. There is no honor in cowardice, and all I'll say to any "Pastor," quote unquote, claiming "such is life," "it is what it is," or "life goes on," is “I don't accept that.” My sister in law was 18 when she had my brother's oldest son. Jonathan Thomas. And on the day I learned what 95% of American consumers don't know about insurance, which has for the average person meant $250 billion dollars in fraudulent rate increases, deductible inceases, and claim settlement decreases are stolen from all of us, every year, because we (the few) wouldn't say no to "record profits," and on that day I told my brother, he told me about Angela’s cancer. A cancer that took her from our family some 14 months later, and from her 3 children, who I helped raise while my brother and closest friend, was away at war. As a biologist I knew the best treatments weren’t making it to market in any field of medicine, much less that evil, profane 4 letter c-word in cancer, “Cure,” so again, it was necessity that made me ask something we are trained to believe impossible. So if nothing else for the ways it wasn’t fair to people I love not to have the best treatments, I vowed to use the information I learned charitably, for good, not for selfishness, though selfishness is what my brother suggested I pursue when I told him. I couldn’t believe he even asked that of me, but at that point it wasn’t up to him indefinitely, and I’ll just say anyone whose feelings are hurt probably hasn’t see Wayne and Joyce Allison of Highland Village, a couple in their 80’s, have an arrogant adjuster come to their house and throw a fit, yelling at their representative, then finding no damage on an aluminum roof with baseball sized holes through it from the hail 2 weeks prior, then sneaking back over after claiming she “had to leave” because their advocate wasted so much of her time. They haven't seen a public adjuster named Bo Williamson in Florida take Hurricane Michael's catastrophe of 180-210mph winds, coming on land for 5 hours, knocking out power for months in heavily settled areas, then with a unique experience, information and optimism you go there hoping to lift spirits with good news, but they are mad at you for even being there, because of what other contractors had done. You see, the governor had to step in and say, "you can't attach yourself via “an assignment of benefits" to a claim when it's an "apparent total loss,” meaning the house is destroyed and for pushing paperwork you claim it as your right to take upwards of 30% of someone’s home rebuild money. But, a couple of big public adjuster firms, namely "Bo Williamson" and the "victims of the Noble Public Adjusters Group" would tell anyone curious, on facebook, a story of a man who took 17,000 claims after Michael, between he and one other guy, then he was actually holding people's insurance money hostage because he wasn't doing the administrative work on their claims, because he was so busy, meaning they eventually ran out of ALE money (additional living expenses), then the government came for the "fema trailers,” and the people who trusted him had to sell their property and uproot their families, bc they don't have enough to rebuild. Sad as it is true, even though it was the carrier's fraud and bad faith, and this "consumer advocate," who got so busy he couldn't stop the "statutory” limitations on time to handle the claims" so they expired, the people were forced to abandon their ancestral homes, never to return, and he then had an 8 figure accounts receivable to hand off to an actual attorney (mind you this guy has a GED), who then took 40%, or maybe just 25% of that Accounts Receivable, because they're such good buddies, and without swinging a hammer the attorney walks with 25% of 43 million (hypothetical, but sadly, likely conservative numbers), and 25% of 43 mill is still $10,750,000.00. So, several years later, "Bo" makes $10Mil for an attorney, who pushed paperwork, which is under 5% normally of a project when "negotiations" aren't illegal and the beneficiary in the contract is allowed to have an advocate without the "gurus" saying “that’s illegal” and “I heard Stephen got charged with UPPA and had to pay $25,000.00 in a fine for telling people the rules”, but, I'll be damned if I didn't record a phone call where someone told me that exact thing was claimed at a contractors association meeting. All so "Bo" can knock down $25Mil personally, just in time to see his former client’s homes put on the auction block, for pennies on the dollar? And every contractor is lied to by people who otherwise give them great advice, except regarding the most important part, where they tell us “it's illegal to use the contract to enforce the contract,” or even to talk about it, unless you’re in our cult. One guy (Russ Wilson) even told me “in Texas it’s best for Contractors to not even read the insurance policy.” So where you were formerly thanked and praised for caring in a unique way, all of a sudden the people you helped without compoensation have turned on you, for no other reason than to keep the “exclusivity” in the club, because they were new members and had just gotten their feet wet in the scam, but, in helping everyone you could, for free, because “they deserve to know,” telling people the rules competently and threatening corruption’s monopolized market shared with no one, so your clients don't have to give up ancestral property, you get arrested from your home? And though it was unlawful, you have the DA lord that over your head for a year, although in direct possession of evidence proving the arrest was based in fraud, only to have him file the indictment after a year, the business day after you file public information requests relative to ascertaining information necessary to sue them? Because you told them, this is extortion, I need your help to clear my name, and they didn’t call you back, over and again. They did, in fact, call their duty to defend “you” or anyone like you “mythical,” in federal court, and after a year of that warrant being held out for your arrest, they finally dropped those charges without trial, also, knowing they would lose a jury trial, now that the damage had been done anyway, which then prompted the judge in federal court to claim “since they dropped the charges, no damages were done.” They got a corrupt judge to apparently change the law, in order to issue 3 fraudulent judgements against your otherwise glistening reputation, only by convincing that judge to allow a suit refusing to honor a contract, and foreigners to steal $150K from you; well not just foreigners, as technically it was 6 Denton constables in body armor with AR-15 style assault weapons that broke down your front door on a Saturday when you were not home, to evict you for supposedly being 3 days late on rent, under a lease agreement you’d never even seen, much less agreed to, filed by a party with no privity to the executed contract, was signed by the property owners and you some 2 1/2 years prior, which made no mention of any “eviction” for late payment, nor would you sign something like that. It said a monetary assessment could be levied for late pay, but 60 days notice was required to terminate the lease, and that’s not considering why rent was late, which was the landlord changed his phone number so you couldn’t Venmo, as you had been paying rent. But, they were conveniently gone “home” to Bolivia. The supposed judge knows all this, allows that suit to proceed, you ask for jury trial, they say nothing about the fee until the day of, the online filing system records your having demanded a trial but doesn’t give a place to pay, then on the day of the hearing, they say “you didn’t pay the $23, therefore waived all rights, and a default judgement of whatever they want is lawfully awarded to the plaintiffs, in the amount of everything you own, because you didn’t show up for court today.” Never mind due process. Never mind the Constitutions. Never mind the blood of our ancestors. “How dare you?!?!?!?!?” Then, add into that you're a damned UPPA criminal, because everybody knows only certain people are allowed to say certain things, and even if they don’t “ignorance is not an excuse,” although the rules were hidden, so you’re just an arrogant know it all with your high and mighty words, and your readin and writin them fancy books. I bet you read on the weekend, too, nerd.”

Frankly, yeah. Every waking moment that isn't taking care of family business, I read. I learn. I will not stay stagnant while we are dying in the streets, literally, and if anyone can't appreciate that then all I can say is I'm so sorry. For whatever hurt you to the point you feel you were not allowed to care about your family anymore; that isn't true. And whatever it was, it was not fair to you. God did not want that for you. And it was not your fault. I don't care what anyone said, or why. It is not supposed to be this way, and we may choose to change it. I choose Anything But This, and I'm starting the ABT Party. Anything but this. Anyone But Them calling the shots, literally, and deciding which of us get to see tomorrow. No thanks. We tried that and it didn’t work. Please. My mom had a stroke 5 days after the vaccine and they tried to act like we were crazy for thinking the temporal proximity to something new was "possibly" related, or that it "might be" linked to the brand new thing they told her was "safe and effective" a million times in the year preceding. It turns out 3736 strokes happened in the first 60 days of EUA among Texas medicare recipients alone, but, which they didn’t tell us, and we’re not supposed to talk about that, either? My mother almost died. I thought she was gone. Fuck, she had 93 / 45 BP tonight. It is day to day for us. But she won't quit on me. And I won't quit on her tomorrow that doesn’t include this reality chosen for her by all of her family except for her youngest son, of the 6 kids. They didn't report to VAERS at the hospital. They refused to write the word vaccine in her chart. Same with the second stroke, where my sister was her nurse, and wanted to ascribe this to “her” fault. It’s just not okay, and if we don’t stop this evil in its tracks, America is dead. And that’s why I know God won’t let that happen, and have assurance, even when things have been difficult for me in a way I wouldn’t even wish on Steve Badger.

I had 5 warrants out for my arrest in the middle of trying to wage a political / idealistic war against Big Energy, Big Pharma, and Big Insurance. I knew I was right, and they did too, but, it didn't stop them from doing everything they could do to put me back "in my lane." Well, as it were, I believe I was right where I’m supposed to be, because y’all deserved to know, and we deserve freedom, so God helped me through, I think so I could tell this story, because it doesn't make sense that with what I learned and how much shit I talked to "power" because of it, that I would still be here, if not for God's guidance. So, I'm thankful, and I just ask y'all not learn the hard way, too. Because it wasn't fun to have 5 warrants when you didn't break any laws; and you did no harm. 2 for expired registration, 1 for a seatbelt, 1 for doing 5 over on a clear road on a sunny day (35 in a 30), and the final for a taillight. That's not fun, and if any cop had pulled me over during that time, I would have been arrested. Sometimes, however, even if it requires abandoning self-preservation for a moment, we take a stand for what's right, because our soul yearns for that "better day which we all know is possible."

Ultimately, I was vindicated, to an extent, a little over a year after those warrants came about, and the judge pled "not guilty" for me, which is even more illegal than enforcing an illegal statute as there is no "mistake" associated with a judge violating civil procedure, I announced that privately to all of them, and miraculously, the prosecutor suddenly dropped the charges, and all 5 cases were discharged from the Denton Municipal Court, along with the Judge being paid $150,000.00 (the balance of her contract), and she was replaced. I only found out she was paid off because I had sought help from the city council, and though they know it's wrong also, they are afraid, too, and the only one who would even talk to me (Keely Briggs) told me the judge was "no longer with the city," on an email where she saw I attached the Judge, after she was gone. So what did I gain from all that worry? Net affect to date? Nothing. If they wouldn't let it go to trial, because they know the only reason it's allowed to exist this way is because most of us didn't think about it, then a jury wouldn't get to decide it's wrong, and they could keep charging everyone who doesn't know an annual fee to exercise our right to come and go as we please. Most of us don't realize the potential burden a neverending list of expenses is, because we were trained "well enough" by people who told us "trust me," that we never stopped to worry about the "STATE" interfering with our businesses. We didn't have time for it, anyway, because looking into it interfered with our ability to earn "a living." Well, when you realize that it was not the STATE, but rather God who gave us life, and thus, our living should be guaranteed in the same ways it is for the Vanderbilt's, and we realize it's the people like them who are making things awful for the people like us, if you're like me, you might also say, "No." Especially when you were in the process of learning how insurance carriers are in cahoots with the legislatures, and with these unbalanced powers they are ripping off $250 billion dollars per year from forced American consumers, by fraudulently raising "risk" using actuarial models that don't follow established guidelines, and the legislature that is responsible for oversight, but acts like fraud is no big deal as long as they have "plausible deniability." This is in the industry created to protect us, mind you, when the chips are down. After teaching I got into real estate, and because I speak Spanish I had a foot in the door to helping those clients get bang for their buck by hiring labor directly, but when I got into construction, 80% of my work ended up being dealing with insurance companies, where every single time the initial offer amount ended up doubling, usually tripling, by the time I got finished fighting with someone "trained to say unreasonable things in a reasonable tone." That's what one of their own trainers told me, and it’s recorded too, by the way, and this fight which added 50hrs+ of administrative labor (unpaid) to every job and almost made me quit, because it was the same argument every time, over reasonable and legitimate repair costs, that they're billing for in premiums, so I figured, if they've paid it once they know they owe it, and every time after, it's bad faith. That is true. But, it's not what you know, it's what you can prove, and if 100% of "attorneys" are on their side, which includes 100% of judges? The trick is, they taught us not to read the fine print because "it's soooo boring" or something similar, from an early age, so consumers didn't know what we have to do "after the loss," then, without one singular form we have to take to the bank to be notarized, we unknowingly let the carriers know we're not "sophisticated," and they therefore have no "duty to defend and indemnify." So, in reality, any payment received at that point is only because they know if they pay nothing to everyone, we won't shut up; and they can still make really good money paying out .30-.50c on the dollar, but usually much less, especially if you're old, a minority, or have had the same policy so long they don't think you'll switch. They give just enough to make us go away, or they delay delay delay, lie and lie and lie, deny and deny and deny, and eventually we get worn down, and say, "welp, they're all corrupt anyway," what am I gonna do?

Even if you haven’t seen it first hand, in supposing maybe y’all are like me inasmuch as you’re at least a little leery of politicians these days, based on their track record, so, who could blame us for not expecting much? I’ll have you know, however, that this Legislative session, they actually broke a record; and for better or for worse, no one can ever deny they made Texas history at the 88th Legislature. Now, I’ve never been much of a philosopher, but as things started making less and less sense in the world these past few years, like everyone else I’m sure, in seeking an explanation, my interests were drawn to less “conventional,” or “ordinary” wisdom and the means of acquiring it, so I decided to begin looking in places I was much less accustomed to and comfortable with. Now, having done so, in spite of the opportunities sacrificed to a better understanding of whether a place for me in this world indeed exists, as would demand a God who is good, all the time, and what place that aught to be specifically, as we work through the issues confronting all of us so rudely and frequently, all I'll say is I don’t regret it. In spite of every toll paid along that road, including the investment of my all during what we are taught are the best years of our lives (from 32-36), I state boldly and confidently, I only wish the decision to do so had come sooner, that I might have lived a life of less “experience” than mine has held to this point. To that point, as it pertains to the legislature, I found myself drawn to stoicism the most, and of the stoics including Epictetus, Pistis Sophia (An epistle to wisdom), and countless other viewpoints that dispel anger and make one look to progress, there is no shortage of inspiration in so much as came from such a small movement of people, in such a short period of time relative to histoiry, and that their impact remains truly remarkable in world history is a testament to the truth in their wisdom. Their view on enlightenment is particularly resounding, especially for a time as what lay directly ahead of us, where we decide to confront or perceive a “thing” as an obstacle or as an opportunity. Stoics say that to receive information, without reacting to it, as good or as bad, is the definition of true enlightenment. As applied to broken records or broken promises, it means just because the legislature has broken a record, that information is not predestined as an indicator of objective truth or optimization of trajectory. In fact, it can be true without being an indicator of a good thing or a bad thing, especially where some of us don't "believe in" objective morality, so, while I’d like to be able to believe they will go on to turn things around for the better, an honest appraisal of the first 60 days tell me in any way that matters that side of the story wrt #88 just yet. Not when the record they broke was more proposed law changes than any otherlegislative session in Texas History.

‘Our’” congress, in fact, which is composed of people none of us have likely even met in person, so notwithstanding the anonymity being universal, these strangers who claim to be our neighbors appear once again to have willfully placed us on a less than desirable heading, wrt Our shared destiny, having abandoned reason yet again. Lloyd and Harry could even tell them they’re headed in the completely opposite direction of where we instructed them to go, especially since the calendar turned us in a way that challenged our perspectives and our vision, in 20/20. Most, if not all, of us who were violently awakened to a world not as we thought it was, nor as it was meant to be, hit the streets demanding change. Some of us stayed local, and some of us went to DC, yet somehow for all our Pleas for breath, through our stomping, our huffing and our puffing, unless something dramatic changes things, their proposed modifications to the law we all must live by suggest they will remain defiant of the Will of our people. When that is true, it precipitates the crystallization of contingency plans, which means they may have their intent, and at least until the obvious is proven in a way such that it may no longer be lied about, they might get away with it. So, for that reason, I’ve been preparing to prove what is true and what is not in that way, knowing they also knew I had the evidence to do so 30 months ago, I just lacked the experience; but I’m nearly ready to begin doing so.

I say that’s sad, still, because the “official” version of repentance and atonement historically tends to hurt a lot more than reason says it needs to, so considering the threats and coercion directing people unnaturally, saying “don’t be a hero,” a la Epstein, Robin Williams, or Avicii, it’s a good time to mention this very thing is in large part why the Constitution(s) demand a rigid and mostly unchanging body of laws. I looked for the exact citation and didn’t find it a glance, but suffice it to say the general sentiment laid out in Hamilton’s and Madison’s manuscripts (Federalist papers; “the reign of the witches”) is that they and the other parts of the body politique supported a potent Federal authority, at least to the extent it could, and would in that capacity be obligated then to uphold Our Bill of Rights in the Federal Constitution; in the ways they noted always become prudent as a society advances in numbers, and in diversity; of her people, and their interests. To our founders, the contents of the Constitution and the practical ability to enforce their God-given liberties was no less mandatory for the well-being of liberty as is air for sustaining the well-being of a man. Sure, we might carry on a while without it, especially if we were told we still had it and trained to think common sense indicates common law isn’t determined at least in part by the common man, but nonetheless we believed it, and the result was falling down, turning blue, and falling down some more. Had we only been taught in school how “each change in the laws is as a wave of injustice, rushing in to wash away the work of one man onto the shores of his neighbor, leaving him vulnerable to trusting someone else with his harvest’s return, or its loss.” Perhaps I’m paraphrasing, but the idea is correct, and our founders declared a necessity in restricting the attempted law changes that always arise out of the “the evil of factions,” and “unchecked ambition.” Can we see what that is true if the opposite means must rely on Benedict Arnold to put Philadelphia before himself, otherwise we run out of air?

And though I admit it is not complete as to the nature of my experiences and understanding, it is the truth, and I feel it serves its purpose precisely. Notwithstanding, nor refusing to acknowledge, our shared apprehension in considering "verbose" explanations, I offer my audience the direction of my life; and in good faith and optimism, I place these ideas upon which liberty was founded at your feet, and at your will.

Query: Meaning question, in Ænglish: why do we have two competing parties when 80%+ of our people want the same thing, and wisdom tells us that “A house divided against itself will not stand?” And why didn’t the 88th Legislature seem to find occasion to mention that, this year? As far as we’re concerned, what did they mention this year, and moreover, what did they save for the 11th hour, “grand finale?” What follows are some of the more "interesting" "laws" that came out of the final week this year (mostly from the 7th or 8th of March, so the final 2 days), and I definitely encourage anyone interested in *not living in a police / prison state* to at least visit Texas' page on Legiscan.com, and to filter proposed legislation "top 50" by introduced date, so you can discern for yourselves if their intent isn’t malicious. After a couple screenshots of my TXLEG folder, I included my TXLEG *What Does Treason Look Like? Top 11* to immediately follow. I placed the screenshots for a couple reasons, namely, as a resource in case anyone wants to lookup these bills for themselves, and if that becomes true, they say "a picture is worth a thousand words" for a reason. In spite of any intimidation in leading off with so many words, I’ve left them there in earnesty: for anyone wanting to use them as such. As a consolation for the visual intimidation (and long-winded introduction), as a bonus analysis, I humbly include at the end some personal analysis (with works cited), as an actual “what Texas law is supposed to look like,” in contrast to the anti-constitutional mess that has befallen all of us in becoming so popular among the self-proclaimed "heroes" of modern society.

READ. One form. Sworn statement in proof of loss, notarized, sent to physical address with signature confirmation. 60 days later, they have paid the "Pimp my ride" or "Property Brothers" price, which is what they're charging in premiums, or they have committed crimes. Once you know this, it becomes easy; or it should. Unless you're like me and you've always thought fairness is important, then you start telling other contractors about it, partly out of spite because you wasted so much time playing their game because you trusted people who Big insurance actually sent to the consumer side to train you improperly, ahem, Steve Patrick, Level the Playingfield, but, mainly because "they deserve to know," and you had seen the full affect of what happens to a homeowner when they can't afford to complete repairs to their home after a catastrophe, although it had insurance. The problem is we're not a sue-happy people, and I fought for 3 years getting really good at arguing to keep my people out of court for that reason, because lawyers are skummy af and we all think that for a reason, but, who does that attitude at a societal level benefit, truly? Who loses when our "representatives" intentionally set the market up to where 95% of said market has no "expert" nor "guru" to "help" them in their time of need? Do insurers fear the courtroom? Is there a book called "Delay, Deny, Defend" with a version only available to attorneys?? Is it help, if it only comes after taking 10-40% of their repair money, knowing the system exists as it does, only so they can pick from the top 5% of claims, while everything under $75,000.00 gets paid pennies on the dollar, if anything? Who loses if the carriers aren't forced to pay damages for their fraud (lying) and bad faith (setting up the system against those whom they are sworn to protect)? Did you know there have been no bad-faith damages awarded in Texas in 75 years? Maybe it's time for something different? The mayor of any Texas home rule city has "standing" to file a class-action on behalf of their city, and if I'm elected to council, we will get to work on fixing the brokenness in a lot more efficacious way than one man could ever hope to. So, that's why I'm running. And because I want the average person to have the extraordinary opportunity that comes along with America and good faith, when it's true to itself. I want the pride in pledging allegiance to a flag that was bled and died for by my family and yours, knowing that they didn't give it all for naught. I want to earn the respect of my peers and my friends, by saying I stared evil in the face and told it, "not today," for y'all. I want to feel the warmth of love and community and fraternity, like we were always promised, even when a certain few in a certain cult thought they didn't want that. It wasn't their decision to make, and I think we're about to show them that in the most convincing way imaginable. The earth will rise still to watch us claim what we are due, at long last. For goodness' sake.


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