5.25.23 | 40 days to swim? Who agreed to this? 

On 4.11 we were 44 days younger. Among other things, that means we were 44 days less advanced in our understandings of the general order of things, or we were 44 days less on our way to misunderstanding 1/2 a God; without the part of Christianity that cares about us and actually tells us we are loved even if it doesn't always feel that way. especially in seeing the ways good and evil interact in our ignorance, even if no further than personal observations of the state of things, at-large, and how many have grounds to claim the status quo places limits upon our ambivalence? If we've been awake for long, we know of a short road ahead of us toward something very different; we might even think the better day we each knew is possible is coming as early as 24.. All said,  before we can recapture that carefree state of being that was, and should always have remained, we must account for our present position and heading, that we might adjust our course appropriately, even if just because it's only months away, does that still mean we stop trying; or worse, pretend to try while intentionally causing harm? Worse yet, that happened as a part of a more broad control paradigm over the past 30 years, and they're merely a cult that was never trying, and that cult gave itself exclusive "authority" not to but we can’t either, try at all? and through subtle influence utilizing slights of hand and reputation, evil has it's chest puffed out to end and begin 2023. Yup. You love what they’ve done with the place?


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